I too, am having this problem. I bought this game 2x's and it still claims the Serail Key is Invalid. The first time I got it was, a year ago from the Website and played if for about 10 months. I rejoined Steam for a different game I have and got the Sniper GW Package and installed it on Steam (two different installs and in different folders, one is a Steam folder) now, neither one of them work. Not even the one I bought a year ago.
C.I doesn't care and that's why there's not been any replies to this post until I did.I paid much more for it back then that it's worth now too.City Interactive will never get anymore of my money. I'm also missing my Prima eGuide for the game. They wanted proof so, I sent screens shots of the purchase of which, I screen shot everything and they acted as if I don't know how to take a screen shot. I take a screen shot of everything I purchase here or, anywhere else online.
I have invoices to go with them. I also keep every game I purchase in a separate folder named for that game. Everything goes in them that concerns that game and I still don't have my eGuide.